Walkley History

History, events, videos, trails, news and publications from Walkley Historians.

One Day Two Day

One Day Two Day

The loud ‘bring’ of my alarm clock wakes me

And I drag my body to the staircase

With my fleece dressing gown wrapped around me.

As I walk past the flashing TV,

I see that my sister loves Noddy.

Still with sleepy dust in my eyes,

I wolf down my Coco Pops, pops, pops…


The loud ringing shout from mum

Like announcing eggs and bacon

But I know it’s not for my tum,

Because the word is looming over me –

Rationing, rationing, rationing…


I stomp upstairs,

To brush with the minty fresh toothpaste

As I walk into the room, a beady eye from the bears

I undress and enter the warm embrace

Dripping, dripping, dripping…


I bounce upstairs

To swallow my minty fresh liquid

I walk onto the hard boards and take off layers

Embracing the cold water and

Tingling, tingling, tingling…



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